My Homebrew

Hi, this is a page about my Home Brewing, and labels I have made. Nothing spectacular, and I'm certainly no artist, (I cheat & do it all on the computer). The labels I make are inspired by the Lord of the Rings, the majority being from the shire, (in fact all but one so far). Beer was one of the many things Tolkien made interesting to me, (I speak of taste, & the love of the mystique of beer here, not the desire to drink to excess). Not that Beer was all Tolkien introduced us too, (Mushrooms and Pipe Smoking come to mind, among others:). As for the beer interest, I also owe an old friend for turning me on to my first import, Dinkelacker, (thanks Farin). Wonderful to know the world is not just Budweiser & Lite.

Also there's an early book I read, I really recommend to Beer lovers, "The Drawing of the Dark". It's probably out of print, (if you find one let me know). It's a historical fiction, but a wonderfull story, and one that might make you look at Beer in a different light.

Oh The cool background takes a sec to load. it's courtesy of Michael Jackson, (the Beer aficionado, not the singer). Also in the Prancing Pony beer label below, I blatantly stole part of mr Ted Nasmith's wonderful artwork from one of the Tolkien calenders.

"Rethe", is March in the Shire Calender, hence this is a "Marzen", (March) beer. October is called Winterfilth, but I couldn't bring my self to call the beer, "Filthfest".

courtesy of Ted Nasmith, the artist

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